What if the things you’ve been taught about manifesting and conscious creation may not be entirely true and are actually limiting you?

Let’s Get Real!

You can do positive affirmations religiously and use all the tools you’ve probably already learned or read about

… but until you are genuinely feeling that energy within you, so that it’s anchored in your whole BODY and BEING and not just in your MIND,  your desires are unlikely to show up for you.

Honour The Science & Art of Your Unique Manifesting Style

We bridge the gap between the science and art of your unique manifesting style by honouring and deepening your own intuition to allow you to initiate change through making the correct choices for you to build your own manifesting process.


Create Deep Clarity To Buid Self-Trust & Confidence

We get beyond the surface-level transformation by getting to the root of what you really want and what’s holding you back, so you can connect the dots and identify the elements you need to change to create lasting results.

Honour the Polarity To Create Harmony & Flow

We honour the balance of your unique emotions so you can be present with all the energies and not fall into the trap of toxic positivity and spiritual by-passing and therefore, create deeper and lasting transformation.

Create Soul-Aligned Action Plans To Ground Your Desires

We create an action plan based on the practical application of tools that I teach, so are equipped with tools to use in real-time to overcome self-sabotage and move the energy of your intention from embodiment into actualisation.

Work With Raspreet

The Unacknowledged Lie About Manifesting That Most People Don’t Talk About


The way the most people have been taught to intentionally manifest has been diluted from the highest truth and quite often, is just old stuff re-hashed over and over again in different ways.

Nothing fundamentally wrong with that BUT what it doesn’t allow for is to help you go into the DEEPER layers that are required to shift before your desires can show up!


I often hear people say things like:

  • “You can’t manifest if you aren’t positive most or all of the time.”
  • “If you are raising your vibration, you should know better than to fall into the trap of being angry, jealous, guilty, ashamed…”
  • “It’s not meant for you, that’s why it isn’t happening”.
  • And my personal favourite… “it’s just not your Divine Timing yet!”.

The truth is, you can BE all the energies and feel all the feels –  the good, the bad, the ugly and everything in between… and you can still stay on track with manifesting your big vision.

Online Programmes


This is the perfect mini-class to start off with to create your OWN framework for manifesting.

This training is perfect if you love a short, quick burst of guidance on manifesting IN and ON purpose that you can work through at your own time and pace.

You’ll learn how to go beyond the more popular teachings and design your own unique manifesting framework that works in alignment with YOU, YOUR desires and YOUR soul’s path and purpose.

You’ll discover the shadows that keep you from deepening and trusting your intuition and how that affects your manifesting style so you can move through those shadows to create a powerful foundation upon which to build your manifesting framework.

You’ll learn about the 5 essential steps to create your unique manifesting framework so you can be on your way to creating your own soul map for embodied and empowered manifesting​.



This is a powerful experience which is the perfect foundation to start learning AND implementing manifesting tools and practices which aren’t being shared in the wider coaching and healing community.

You’ll learn simple and straightforward practices that you can come back to over and over, no matter where you are in your journey.

You’ll receive training and on-going laser coaching throughout your time in this space, as you integrate your learning and anchor in your Soul’s true essence, identity and path to manifest in a way that is the most natural and organic way for YOU.

You’ll also be part of a community of manifestors who are also focused on consciously creating their desired future, so you get to be plugged into that energy and be held in higher energy while you work on your own transformation.


This is a smaller group experience, and is the implementation playground, where you start to dive even deeper into your own unique way of creating.

Catalyse is an intensive experience with lots of hands-on tools, practises and training.

This smaller vessel is set up to enable you to receive individual support and coaching, specific to your needs and for YOUR unique way of creating change and manifesting your desired future.

With additional pop-up training based on what’s required in the group, there is a much deeper level of support and catalytic change that is available on this programme.

You will learn more deeply about the embodiment process and take a much deeper dive into shadow and trauma work, so that you can create change from the inside out and break generational patterns!

Private Work

Private Work

Are you ready for a deeper dive on a one-to-one basis?

If you prefer individual, tailored support you can work privately with me.

I only work with a handful of private clients and if my calender is full, you’ll go on a waiting list which operates on a first-come-first-served basis.

Not Sure What’s The Right Fit For You?

Clarity Session

This 45-minute online session is designed to look at what your current challenge is and explore what is going on that is keeping you stuck.

You will gain deeper clarity and lift the confusion, so you know exactly what to do next with creating the results and having the change that you are asking for.

You’ll learn how you can be on your way to more harmony by aligning to the way you are wired to create in a way that naturally brings you more ease, joy, flow and success.

This is ideal if you’d like a powerful experience of what it’s like to receive empowering support that allows you to tap into your own intuition so that you can make a decision that is in alignment with how YOU create.

If you choose to work with me further in private sessions or on Catalyse, the investment you made for this session will be credited towards that.

If you choose not to work further with me, that’s totally cool – you’ll receive some laser coaching and facilitation either way!