Becoming a successful entrepreneur isn’t just about starting a business.  It entails developing a success mindset.

It requires the right energy, the clarity to make better decisions, a robust success mindset, the right blend of focus, passion and perseverance.

Your business is an extension of you, energetically speaking.

So, if you are confused, have a lack of passion for what you are doing, insecurities and fears around your business, then it will be reflected in your business.



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What Constitutes Business Success?


For visionaries, with big dreams of the contribution they wish to make to the world, business success is more than just profits and money.  It’s about spreading their message, sharing their wisdom and being of service to others.

In fact, every one of us has a different definition of what success means to us, and that’s ok.

Some people just want to create a great work-life balance, some just want to ensure that they are spreading their message and others feel that success is measured by profits.

There is no wrong or right to this.  It is an opinion, and a very personal thing.

Whatever defines success for YOU, there are certain things that can keep you from achieving it.

You have to shift your mindset to one that supports you in accomplishing all your goals and dreams.

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So, here are some common mindset mistakes that entrepreneurs make which hold them back in business success:


  1. The Need to be Perfect

So often, I see clients that have amazing gifts, talents or ideas or things that they are passionate about, which could EASILY generate an income stream, but they hold back on it.

They wait until they’re perfect themselves, before they allow themselves to help others.

So, they will embark on more and more education, courses, qualifications, instead of working with what they have and building upon it.

Don’t get me wrong, self-development and education are very important.

The key is not using that as an excuse of not being enough until you have completed a certain course, attained a specific qualification, been in the industry for a certain length of time…

JUST START! Wherever you are, as long as you have a passion for what you are doing.

Take one step at a time, to avoid overwhelm.  Then, build upon your business and move it forward in a manageable way for you.


  1. Not Investing in Yourself

This is almost on the opposite end of the spectrum of the point above.

When you refuse to invest in yourself, things will take a lot longer and the journey becomes a lot more challenging.

Investing in yourself could be taking the time out for self-care.

Whatever that looks like for you. It may be a day at the spa just to relax and unwind.  It may be taking the time to indulge in a hobby that you love to do.

Of course, investing in professionals to help you become the best version of you can be very cost-effective for the future.

I offer sessions with clients, using tools like ThetaHealing® and Access Consciousness®, to help the client re-frame their mindset so that it is conducive to actualising their desires.

These sessions can help tremendously as they help to resolve the confusion and fears the person feels.

They can help to avoid the (expensive) mistakes one can make in that fog of disharmony and discord, leaving them free to create the business, work-life balance and lifestyle they always wanted.


  1. Wrong Motivation

What motivates you to move forward and be successful?  People use funny things to motivate themselves to ensure their success.

I have clients coming to me because they want to prove their family wrong.

The energy of PROVING yourself right, or another person wrong is the wrong kind of energy if you are looking for long-term, sustainable success.

Sure, it does work, however, it’s a very low vibration from which to work.

It may sound bizarre, but a lot of us use negative energy to motivate us to achieve things.  This is all done on a subconscious level, so you may not even be aware that you are doing it!

Subconsciously, people use things like resentment, needing to prove yourself, even the lack of money/clients as motivators.

This is especially true of people in the service-based industries.

A lack of money or clients actually ensures that you work hard to achieve what you want.

Therefore, in a twisted way, you create this lack consciousness as a way to drive your business forward!

This is a lot more common that people think, and I see it in my practice with entrepreneurs ALL THE TIME.

During my sessions, if something like this comes up, we change the motivation and re-frame the subconscious beliefs to use more empowering things as motivators.

This results in incredible and very rapid shifts in the client’s life and business.


  1. Playing It Small – Fears of Others’ Opinions

When you are in business, it never bodes well to play things down and hide away.

Yet, many of us energetically put on the cloak of invisibility!

On a conscious level, you may be doing all the right things to get seen.

You may well be implementing and investing in social media marketing, offline marketing, getting your website looking amazing, putting yourself out there…but is it paying off?

If you find you are doing everything you can and still not getting the clients, money, opportunities that you want, then there could be some subconscious blocks that are keeping you invisible.

Some of the common subconscious fears that crop up again and again in sessions are fears of:

  • others judging or criticising you
  • friends, family or colleagues being jealous of your success and projecting negativity your way
  •  your own success! Yes, believe it or not, this is REALLY common.  It’s usually associated with being overwhelmed with too much work, not having enough time for the other fun stuff in life and even being shot down by your colleagues/peers for being too good.

Take stock now to identify any areas where you may be keeping yourself small.

Imagine your business booming, you are creating all the opportunities, money and success you want.

Now imagine how that makes you feel…focus on any resistance that comes up and identify what that is.

Is it the fear of your friends and family getting jealous?  Will you have enough time for your loved ones if you get super busy?  What resistance comes up for you?



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How Can You Avoid these Mindset Mistakes and Step into Your Career and Business Success?


We have some interesting stuff going on in our subconscious minds.

The way around this is to dive deep into your subconscious mind to tap into all the beliefs that are keeping you safe by playing it small, re-framing those into positive and empowering beliefs.

Our brain is a pretty amazing piece of equipment. It works constantly, to help keep us safe.

However, in doing so, it may create subconscious blocks and beliefs that disempower you and keep you stuck.

That is my area of expertise.  I have years of experience in making the jump from employment to self-employment and all the mindset changes that were required along the way for me to establish a very successful business, which allows me to create my perfect work-life balance.

I have helped many clients, through exclusive sessions, VIP days and events where I speak about the subconscious mind and how to re-train your brain.

If you are ready to step fully in a life and business of success and prosperity, change your mindset to one that allows you to grow and build a successful business, then get in touch for a session with me.


Ps – I am hosting an event which may interest you.

Mindset Mastery and Magnetic Marketing.

Myself, and 2 industry experts will be talking about mastering a success mindset, using social media to attract your ideal clients, and how to use your smartphone to create magnetic content for social media.

Find out more by clicking the button below.

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